Using Natural Supplements for Menopause Relief

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Using Natural Supplements for Menopause Relief

To find menopause relief, you may want to look to natural supplements for some added health.

Those that are facing the symptoms of menopause must take into consideration the various types of medications, treatments and remedies out there that can possibly provide them with the relief that they need.

Yet, with all of the symptoms that you may have, this may be a bit harder to do than you thought. One method that has shown to be quite effective, and rather natural, is using natural supplements for menopause relief.

Getting the right nutrients into your diet can help to minimize the effects of menopause on your body.

What To Take

There are several types of supplements that you will want to insure you get enough of. Here are some choices to take into consideration and to look for in the next multi vitamin you purchase (or purchase individually as needed.)

  • Vitamin B 6: This vitamin should be taken daily at about 50 to 200 milligrams per day.

    It will help you with symptoms from menopause that includes depression, irritability, insomnia, mood swings and more. Those that are taking birth control pills or those that are taking conjugated equine estrogens may need this.

  • Bioflavonoids: Here, you wan to make sure that you get in 1000 milligrams a day. To this, add another 1000 to 1500 milligrams of vitamin C per day. These two, when taken together can minimize many of the symptoms of menopause.

  • Vitamin E: About 400 to 800 IU’s per day will help you with the hot flashes that you are facing. They can also help with vaginal dryness.

  • Evening Primrose Oil, also called EPO can also be quite helpful for menopause when taken daily in the amount of 1500 to 3000 milligrams. If you have painful breasts, this can minimize or stop it.

  • Gamma Oryzanol: Taking 300 milligrams (100 milligrams three times per day) can be helpful in treating hot flashes.

Finally, you will want to top all of this off with a good quality multivitamin.

Some of these quantities needed in nutrients may not be found enough in that multivitamins that you take so taking them in addition to the quality multivitamin can be quite beneficial to your overall health and well being.

When you give your body the necessary tools that it needs to fight off the “bad things” that are happening to it, you can expect to see some benefit from this.

Incorporate foods that are rich in these nutrients or take a good quality supplement and soon menopause relief can be found.


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