Treating Your Acne Your Glands
Treating Your Acne Your Glands
There are several things that go into making acne.
Your skin needs to provide a warm area that is moist as well as
has the ability to house the bacteria that cause acne.
You will need the bacteria, which is only attracted to the skin
when the conditions are right and there is a food supply.
With that said, your skin is the likely target for many acne
outbreaks because it is generally oily, full of dead skin cells that can be a source of food
and it offer pores which are ideal places for bacteria to gather and breed.
Let them find someplace else to hide because you can help to stop
acne on your body.
One of the elements that contribute to acne is that of the oils that your skin is producing. During
puberty, which is the highlight of the acne career on your body, the oil glands that are lurking
under your skin are working over time to produce a high amount of oil.
They are told to do this, though. The hormones that are in the
body at this time are fluctuating and this causes the body to respond in strange
One of them is to produce more oil then is needed. The problem
with this is that the oils are very attractive to the bacteria that are looking for a home in
your skin.
You can do many things to treat the acne on your face and many of them will revolve around treating
the actual bacteria that is causing the acne.
But, for many, this is not enough to turn off the acne machine
that your skin has become. You often need to turn off those oil glands so that it is not so
inviting to live in your pores.
To do this, there are several medications that your doctor can
provide you with. Their goal is to control the hormones in your body.
By regulating the hormones that your body is experiencing, they can better get those oil glands
under control. Some of the most commonly used treatments include oestrogen/progestogen
contraceptive pills.
Also, anti-testosterone Cyproterone used with oestrogen can
actually be quite helpful in treating acne.
By understanding just what is causing the acne on your skin from happening you can be better aware
of the things that you need to do in order to prevent it from getting worse and you can work to
improve it.
If your skin is over producing oils, then it may be helpful to you
to seek out the help that your doctor can provide for you.