I Hate My Hair Loss
I Hate My Hair Loss
For many individuals, realizing that they are experiencing hair
loss is quite a heart breaking condition.
They do not want to lose their hair and they do not want to deal
with it either.
Yet, for many, up to 66% of men, in fact, this will happen to them
at one stage in life or in another. Not only is it a condition that they will have to deal
with, but it is also a condition that they will need to overcome.
While there are some treatment options that may work for those
that are experiencing hair loss, there is no real guarantee that any of these treatments will
So, dealing with the emotional and psychological aspects of hair
loss is necessary.
Dealing With It
For some men that are experiencing hair loss, it will be something that they actually embrace. For
these individuals, the thought is that it is just a normal, natural part of life.
It is not something that they are ashamed of or hate.
In fact, in some men, this look is one in which they are well
known as well as thought of as sexy, professional and irresistible.
Yet, for this to be the case, individuals that are bald or
experiencing hair loss should be confident in themselves about their condition and should not
let it be a disability that they are facing.
These individuals will often experience conditions which are
permanent, but will find a way to make their hair loss part of who they are.
I Hate My Hair Loss
On the other hand, there are many men that want nothing to do with their condition. They want,
instead to conceal or find a remedy for their hair loss.
This is not necessarily something that is guaranteed to provide
results, but those that are experiencing this condition may get some relief from over the
counter medications and treatments, natural remedies, lotions as well as things as drastic as
hair transplantation.
Those that really do want to conceal their hair loss can even
purchase wigs to help them to hide it.
Determine where you stand. If you are one of the men that just hates the fact that they no longer
have hair on their head, then you may want to find out what your options are to slow the loss of
your hair or to help it to re-grow.
There is nothing wrong with wanting a full head of
If you are one of the men, just as famous individuals like Patrick
Stewart, Astronaut Story Musgrave, Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas or many others, that find hair
loss a natural occurring condition, then you may be able to hold your head up high and be
okay with it.